I Can. I Will. I Must.

A mantra to reclaim freedom, “I can, I will, I must love, respect and trust myself.”

I received the grace of being in my brother John’s presence recently and, as always, we dove into many conversations and there were beautiful realizations. Realizations within me and within him through the mirroring of our lives, our truths and our vulnerabilities.

His Guidance Follows Me

When I left the physical presence of my brother, I was left also with this energetic imprint, or attunement. This statement of, “I can, I will, I must love, respect and trust myself.”

These beautiful words created a clearing, cleansing and regaining of a knowing within me of, “Yes, yes, YES.”

I can.

I will.

I must.




The resonance of the vibration in all of these words and in this statement and the claiming of it has truly brought forth a revelation. A divine intervention. It has been the catalyst of actions to regain that love, trust and respect for myself.

The Missing Piece Of Me

In my own life, I realized that I was not doing that. I was not acting in accordance to loving myself, respecting myself and earning the trust of myself by truly showing up and giving myself what I needed. Asking for what I needed.

I feel very grateful for that moment with my brother, with this divine man that always creates a safe container for me to express, to cry, to sob, to scream, he has ALWAYS been there for me.

My intention with this blog is to share my experience, to share wisdom that has landed for me from a sacred relationship that I have. I also wanted to share it with you because I know there is a mirror here to be seen, to be felt and to be explored.

Are you ready to be there for yourself? To show up for yourself?

Feel free to claim this mantra as well.

I can.

I will.

I must.

Love, respect and trust myself.

I can, I will, I must love, respect and trust myself.

I can, I will, I must love, respect and trust myself.

Some More Ponderings

What is your highest truest expression of yourself? Do you know? How can you know?

Start with listening to your heart. Not just this moment, all moments. Hear your chosen words, tune in with what feels true and good. 

How do you do the things you love to do? How are you breathing, feeling, expressing? What do you do daily that feels like ease and grace?

Like the slide on the playground, no resistance, just the sense of, “Weeeeeee!”

Who is around you holding space, where it feels like you have wind beneath your wings?

These passions and people are expressions of your true nature. Why does it feel safe there? Because there is the sense that all of you is felt, seen, desired, appreciated and is fully welcomed.

What do you need to see, feel, accept and claim that is you? How can you do more of that? Say no to other things that don’t align with your truest expression? Can you practice believing and acting? Taking action, to express all your heartfelt no thankyous and yes pleases?

Pause. Inhale. Exhale. Ponder. Play in the playground of your heart. What feels like freedom unfurling?

Chase that star. Be that star. Be ready to receive that star. You’re here to express your truest and lightest heart-led expressive self.

Honor yourself with the time, attention and curiosity needed to ponder on all these questions.

A sense of lightness, buoyancy and freedom is awaiting the human being and soul that remembers who they are and accepts it. It’s OK to be who you are and be open to becoming MORE of who you are.

Read this out loud to feel a shift towards your true nature:

“I am the only me, I am discovering and playing in the playground of my heart and soul, pondering on all that arrives that feels like freedom and play. Every day I will love, honor and respect myself by listening and taking action to become my highest, truest expression of myself.”

For more inspiration and tips, follow The Elemental Being on Instagram.

With devotion towards our growth, I share this with love, Brandy

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